Welcome to Leann's Soap Adventures

WildSense Artfire Studio

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Blogwear

Well at long last I've finally made a banner and background for my blog. It's been a long time coming but I just haven't had tome to work on it and the times that i did, I got frustrated by the coding when I'd follow all instruction on how-to sites and nothing would show up right. Finally I have it down pat.
Now on to other things like my Artfire shop. Giving up Etsy in favor of Artfire, as they don't nickel and dime you to death on each and every listing. Then I can concentrate on a new site with database and proper cart.
Guess the graphics classes are paying off. But I still have a long way to go.

No new soaps lately, but I've been making pressed makeup and lipsticks and having great fun with those.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Colorado "safe" personal care products Bill fails in committee! Yay

Excerpt from Winged Seed's blog: "I’m tipping my hat to colleagues who joined me in blogging, tweeting, emailing and shouting “Stop” to the potential affects of this bad bill. The bill failed in Committee today 7 to 4. Some Colorado legislators reported they had received up to 700 emails regarding the bill. I listened to streaming radio from the hearing and those on our side were far more aware of the facts than either the representative from Compact for Safe Cosmetics or some of their small business supporters and individuals who testified. Although learned in his field and knowledgeable regarding environmental toxins and endocrinology, Dr. David Norris, PhD, Deptartment of Physiology, University of Colorado, was not well versed in cosmetics themselves nor skin absorption and allowable dilutions and was a weak proponent of the bill as a result."

Well, we all worked hard to get the word spread and thanks to everyone who helped.
Things like this should be based on real science, not supposition and hasty conclusions.
